Ezekiel 29 and 30
Study 20 – Ezekiel 29 and 30
- In the opening verses
Pharaoh is described as a crocodile that dominates the waters of Egypt.
The Lord tells him that he will be removed from the safety of the waters
of Egypt and that all of those around him would cling to him in their
worship of him and they too would be drug out upon the land where they
would no longer be able to survive. This was to be fulfilled at the hands
of the King of Babylon. It was the
arrogance of Pharaoh that was the principal cause of this judgment. The
nation of Israel and the surrounding nations that depended upon the
strength of this great nation would no longer come to it for help. The
nation that they had trusted in was the reason for their demise.
- God uses the heathen nations
as instruments to accomplish His will. He dispenses His mercy, grace, and
judgment in a just way to all peoples. The requirement for all is the same
whether they are of Israel or Babylon – acknowledgment of and obedience to
– Him!
- Apart from the Lord we can
do nothing! When we decide that our knowledge and the further pursuit of
our own wisdom apart from obedience to God will win the day then we place
ourselves in the position of Adam that went from being provided for by the
Lord in Eden to needing to provide for himself. When we head down that
path we are destined to produce more weeds than fruit from our labor.
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