Thursday, October 6, 2011

Search The Scriptures -- Philippians


Study 1 – Philippians 1:1-11

  1. Paul had been beaten in Philippi. The attitude of the church toward Paul had made up that previous beating. They were supporters of Paul whether he was in a dungeon or riding a wave of revival. The Church at Philippi was no ‘fair weather friend.’ Their commitment to him while still in prison was an assurance that they were the type of Church that would be a tremendous blessing to the Kingdom of God.

  2. Paul prayed for an increase in love, knowledge, and depth of insight. He prayed for such things because in order to thrive in this world the Church would need discernment and they would need to maintain their ‘separateness’ from the world.
    The more they grew in knowledge of the Lord the more fruit they would bear.

  3. Paul wants to make sure to appeal to every saint in this letter because the purpose of this letter is to collect a missionary offering. He wants to touch more than the hearts of the leaders; he needs to connect with everyone.


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