Search The Scriptures -- Colossians
Study 1 – Colossians 1:1-14
- Christ “has rescued us
from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son
he loves.” He has redeemed us; forgiven us! This knowledge gives us: hope,
joy, strength, power, and patience to endure. The Church at Colosse
enjoyed these benefits and as a result bore much fruit and growth.
- The Apostle Paul, Timothy,
and Epaphras as well, were praying that the Church at Colosse would be
filled with a knowledge of God’s will, spiritual wisdom and understanding.
The underlying desire behind such prayer was that the Church at Colosse
would continue to bear much fruit and have uninhibited growth.
Study 2 – Colossians
1. This
section of Colossians offers the following description of Christ.
A Descriptions of Christ:
A Descriptions of Christ:
Image of the
invisible God
Firstborn of all
Creator of all
Before all things
Holds together all
Head of the Church
The Beginning
Firstborn from among the dead
All the fullness of the Godhead dwelled within Him.
Reconciler of all things
Knowledge of who Christ is should fill us with hope and a holy fear which will
lead to an unswerving desire to faithfully serve our Lord.
All the fullness of the Godhead dwelled within Him.
Reconciler of all things
Knowledge of who Christ is should fill us with hope and a holy fear which will
lead to an unswerving desire to faithfully serve our Lord.
2. Prior to the
death of Christ we were alienated from God. We were His enemies! The
forgiveness that is offered through His death on the cross is our only means of
escape. All we need to do is accept that forgiveness by faith and to continue to walk
in it.
forgiveness that is offered through His death on the cross is our only means of
escape. All we need to do is accept that forgiveness by faith and to continue to walk
in it.
Study 3 – Colossians
Paul’s calling was to take the gospel to the gentiles.
He had suffered greatly in the flesh as a result, but was willing to suffer
even more. The fact that Colosse exhibited so much fruit and growth further
cemented Paul’s desire to continue to suffer for the cause of Christ. Paul
believed that the Word of God was to be used to both admonish and bring wisdom
to the Church. Paul desired more than anything that the Church have a solid
understanding of Christ and all of the hidden treasure that He brought.
We must have a solid understanding of who Christ is and
be sold out to His mission if we are to escape the traps of the enemy. I am
particularly struck by Paul’s statement, “I delight to see how orderly you are
and how firm your faith in Christ is” 2:5. This is a radical departure from
what he wrote to the church at Corinth. Paul was tremendously concerned about
the church being knowledgable of God’s Word. Knowledge of God’s Word was key to
a solid faith and orderly worship.
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