Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Thoughts at the Half-Way Point of The Harvest100

What an awesome effort by The StoreHouse for this year’s Harvest100. Believe it or not we are on track to complete 1,000 miles this month! Wow! 1,000 miles! That’s 100,000 calories burned! That’s 1,760,000 steps! Amazing!

As great as those statistics are though, we hope that we are accomplishing something even greater! We hope that we are tearing down walls of hopelessness and despair among the lost in our county! We hope that as we walk and run that we are bombarding heaven with prayer for the lost souls all around us! What a great week to pray for DePauw – Old Gold Week! May a fire of revival flow through the campus. May we keep believing for a miracle between Jackson and Elm, and Seminary and Olive! May we believe for it “Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away!”

At mile 16 my heart was broken. Not because my body had failed me, and I couldn’t go on anymore, but because of the sight that I was confronted with. On a little hillside just north of I-70 there were a few trucks, an excavator, and a large dumpster. They were surrounded by rubble and smoke was rising from the middle of the pile. They were there to destroy a church! The church had been vacant for some time and now the walls were being torn down. The only thing that would remain would be the graveyard that surrounded it. I’m afraid that if God does not raise up more people like those that walked and ran around Greencastle and Putnam County these last two weeks that the scene of mile 16 will repeat itself time and time again. The Church is called to leave behind life, not graves.

At mile 17 my heart was broken once again. Not because my body had failed me, although by this point it was seriously thinking about it! My heart was heavy as I began to consider what had just taken place for the last 2 hours and 50 minutes. If every stride that I had taken over that period had represented one soul then I had just ran by 29,920 souls. That’s approximately how many people aren’t in church anywhere in our county this morning! It took me 2 hours and 50 minutes running at a 10 min./mile pace to pass that many souls! God help us!

We have a tremendous job to do, and we have an amazing God that is poised to help us complete the task! Let’s shake ourselves off and prepare ourselves to see what He can accomplish through The StoreHouse!


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